Harput, Turkey August 11, 1999
Armed with only a pair of binoculars and
a 35mm "point and shoot" camera,
my daughter and I proceeded to record
the August 11, 1999 eclipse.
Even the sophisticated amateurs came to take a look.
Myself (left), Orion Tours expeditionist (center),
Lief Robinson, Sky & Telescope editor-in-chief (right).
Using a simple 35mm "point and shoot" camera.
I snapped this photo during totality on ISA 800 film.
This image is greatly enlarged. In the original 4x6 print,
the corona was just 4mm across.
Check out how a real pro does it.
P.K. Chen set up his telescope right next to us.
The trees got into the act too.
The "light holes" between the leaves make very effective
pin-hole lenses, causing the shadow of the tree to be
laced with sun-crescents.
The moon's umbral shadow swiftly approached from the western sky
The horizon looked like this 360 degrees during totality.
Notice the streetlights in Elazig, located at the base of the mountain.
This photo was taken close to the end of totality.
The western horizon is beginning to brighten.
Amateurs and their equipment everywhere;
... and people too, friendly and curious.

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