Kapadokya is a region of great historical depth.

Ancient carved cave dwellings are inhabited next to modern buildings.

This one even has a satellite dish.

Carved churches in the region date back to the 1st century.

This monastery was "built" (carved) in the 11th century.

The outer wall of this structure has fallen away, exposing the interior.

Seems like a natural location for a Star Wars outpost.

Nothing to it, just follow the arrows.

This tunnel is the beginning of a labyrinth that could house and hide up to 10,000 people for months.

Its first occupants date back to pre-historic times.

Later civilizations expanded and improved the city.

Christians were probably the last inhabitants, taking refuge from persecutions, and hostile take-over bids.

The tufa formation that covers this region and gives the geography its peculiar character, invites even modern architects to try their hand at making "cave" structures.

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