COMET 17p/HOLMES, the "puff ball" comet

See a movie of the comet's development - 2.2meg
Note, especially in the movie, the head of the comet, a pinch in the neck, a knot in the tail, and a streamer extending to the bottom of the frame are physical features of the comet. The spider web tendrals are artifacts induced by the strong image processing

The images on the left are stacked frames of 8 sec or 15 sec with total exposure times of 30+ minutes.

The images on the right are the corresponding images on the left, "Rank Processed" in AIP4win to show the inner structure of the comet.

The orientation of all images is North up, East left.

Tracking on the Comet causes the field stars to show elongation due to the relative motion of the comet.

The comet's cloud has grown over time and has exceeded the image field of view since November 4.

The images were taken with a Meade DSI ProII ccd camera on a newtonian telescope with a focal length of 1625mm at f/8. The images were reduced 75% for more convenient display.

You may notice that the comet's motion has changed direction over time by the change in the angle of the star trails.